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Free Sample

Receive your free sample of U-GO LICE - shipped from New Zealand

Just pay shipping & handling - order below


... then see for yourself that U-GO LICE

really does get rid of head lice in seconds

The free sample sachet allows you to see for yourself, before purchasing a bottle, that U-GO LICE really does get rid of head lice fast and with ease. 

When you receive your sample sachet, shake it to mix. Snip the corner and place a few drops of the solution on a plate. Then drop live lice into these drops.

Wait 15 seconds, then slide the lice out of the solution to the side of the plate. Observe them over the following minutes, hours, even the next day. You'll see the lice have not moved.

You’ve now seen with your own eyes how fast and easily U-GO LICE gets rid of head lice.

You can now feel confident to order your bottle - click here


Note: The sample sachet contains only a few mls for plate testing.

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